1.0577 Non-alloy Quality Structural Steel
What is 1.0577? Grade 1.0577 is the carbon (non-alloy) steel defined in the EN 10025 system, which comes after the 1.0038 in its importance within the non-alloy structural steels. It is usually formed into products in wrought state. 1.0577 is EN numeric designation of the grade. It is normally provided in the state of hot worked.
1.0577 grade is having a lower thermal conductivity as compare other wrought carbon products but has considerable higher electrical conductivity.
What is EN 10025? 1.0577 is defined in EN 10025. This standard defines non-alloy structural steels along with its delivery conditions.
Why 1.0577 called S355J2? 1.0577 is EN numeric designation whereas S355J2 is the EN chemical designation. In reality both are same.
Available Forms in Market: Following are the available forms of 1.0577 steels in the global market:
- Plate steel
- Flat bar
- Round bar
- Tubes
- Pipes
- Hot rolled sheets
- Cold rolled sheets
- Forged parts
Dimensional Characteristics of 1.0577 Steels: The available thickness for this 1.0577 material as retrieved by online statistics in the trading units starts from 0.10 mm to 800 mm defending upon processes and form. However the width of this material varies and it is available in 10 mm to 1500 mm and over. As it is available in different forms, dimensional aspects should be confirmed from traders, manufacturers and dealers. Diameter of round bar is about 1mm-2000 mm. Tubes and pipe outer diameter is about 6 mm to 219 mm.
The Indicative Chemical Composition of 1.0577 Steels: The chemical composition of this grade is indicated as under:
- Maximum percentage of Carbon (C) is 0.22 percent.
- Maximum percentage of Manganese (Mn) is 1.6 percent.
- Maximum percentage of Phosphorous (P) is 0.03 percent.
- Maximum percentage of Sulphur (S) is 0.03 percent.
- Maximum percentage of Copper (Cu) is 0.55 percent.
- Maximum percentage of Silicon (Si) is 0.55 percent.
Remaining is iron (Fe) percentage and with few negligible impurities. Carbon equivalence value is maximum 0.47.

Non Alloy Structural Steel
Mechanical Properties of 1.0577 Steels: Following are some of the mechanical properties of S355J2 steels:
- The tensile strength of the S355J2 non-alloy steel is expressed in Newton per millimeters and it must be at-least 450 N/mm2 (MPa).
- The yield strength of the S355J2 non-alloy steel is expressed in Newton per millimeters and it must be at-least 275 N/mm2 (MPa).
- The elongation property of 1.0577 steel varies with the heat treatment process and thickness but it is indicated typically 17% to 22%.
- The impact energy longitudinally is around 27 Joules at different temperatures by Charpy V-notch impact test method.
Equivalent Material Grades in Other International Standards: Read more about the
- Equivalent grade of this type in USA is A656 grade.
- In JIS designation, the corresponding material is referred as SS 490YA.
- In AFNOR standard, the corresponding material is referred as A52FP type steel.
- In Swedish SS standard, the corresponding material is referred as 2134-01 type steel.
Applications of 1.0577 Steels: 1.0577 are suitable for cold forming operations which are listed as under:
- Bending
- Folding
- Flanging
- Bordering
However before the application, the design expert must verify and validate that the material specifications and processing operations are well compliant. Moreover the application load calculation is well coped up by the part design and material strength. If welding is required, design and development department must make sure which welding process is weld material is a good fit for this material.
Suppliers of 1.0577 Steel: Suppliers are also listed below:
- Supplier Recknagel Präzisionsstahl GmbH bearing contact number +49 (0)2192 855-0.The supplier address is Stahlschmidtsbrücke 14 • 42499 Hückeswagen, Germany.
- Supplier Heine + Beisswenger. bearing contact number +49 711 5854-0.The supplier address is Stiftung + Co. KG, Höhenstraße 22, 70736 Fellbach, Germany.