Calcium Chemical Symbol “Ca” Atomic Number 20
Calcium belongs to the chemical elements belonging to Group 2A i.e. Alkaline Earth Metals. Strontium, Beryllium, Magnesium and Radium are other members of group II of the periodic table. The periodic table is an ordered arrangement of chemical elements in groups and periods to better understand their behavior in the form of groups.
Occurrence of Calcium: Calcium never occurs as a free element in the nature but it is found in the earth’s crust as sulfate, carbonate, silicate, fluoride and borate. The most common of all i.e. calcium carbonate is usually found in chalk, marble, and so on. Calcium mainly occurs in the forms of silicates and aluminosilicates. All the type of waters contain calcium whether they are natural or not.
Even animals contain calcium either in their shells or skeletons. Calcium is very essential for bones. Calcium is the 5 most known element in a human body while the most existing element also.All the human beings need them for health and they consume it through different things that contain calcium in themselves.
Alloying Behavior of Calcium: Calcium plays an important role as an alloying agent for aluminum, silicon and lead. For copper, lead, magnesium and aluminum calcium is used as an alloying agent.

Calcium metal
Calcium is utilized as a reducing agent in the manufacturing of other heavy metals i.e. uranium, zirconium and thorium etc. Calcium is also essential to work for ferrous and non-ferrous alloys as following:
- Deoxidizer – Oxygen remover
- Decarburizer – Carbon remover
- Desulfurizer – Sulphur remover
Calcium is moreover utilized as an alloying agent for different metals such as aluminum, copper, lead and beryllium.
Physical Properties of Calcium: Calcium is a silver-white colored metal. It is solid in state. Calcium is a soft metal. It can be changed into thin sheets, could be pressed, rolled and cut. The melting point of Calcium is 851oC and boiling point is 1482o C. Calcium is cubic in crystalline characteristics. Calcium is also capable of conducting electricity.
Chemical Properties of Calcium: Calcium is a metal that reacts strongly with other substances. It usually reacts easily with formation of binary compounds i.e. O2 and halogens. When we heat calcium it reacts with sulfur, phosphorus, nitrogen, silicon and other substances. In open air, due to the reaction with carbon dioxide and oxygen it got covered with a grey coating. When it reacts with acid it also burst in flames. It is also highly reactive to acids. It is associated to have six isotopes.